Vibrate-A-Way Blog



February 27, 20242 min read

…we just have to get him out!

At Vibrate-A-Way, we don’t treat conditions or prior diagnoses. We typically don’t need to know why you did what you did to cause your chronic pain. A lot of us get hung up on finding a single cause for our pain: an old injury, arthritis, fibromyalgia—you name it, and it’ll get blamed. What does it matter why the zebra is in the bathtub? Don’t you care more about getting him out of where he doesn’t belong? As much as we would like to be able to explain our chronic pain away, we simply cannot. Our bodies (including our brains) are far too complex for us to have the luxury of a “single cause, single effect, single solution.” It doesn’t matter the explanation: if you’ve suffered an injury, your brain has immediately created an accommodation to your posture, whether you consciously realize it or not. Since your entire body is connected, it’s all affected. However, what people don’t understand is that the brain doesn’t reset that altered posture unless it’s “told” to do so. Unfortunately, this altered posture or accommodation permanently changes how we move our bodies and our centers of gravity. Even the slightest of changes will naturally lead to dysfunction and degeneration.

But…how do we tell the brain to reset back to our original, correct posture, before all of these accommodations happened? How do we get the zebra out of the bathtub? Vibration: specific and sequential application of vibration, which is exactly what the Vibrate-A-Way technique is, and you don’t need a healthcare provider to receive it. You and a partner can learn our simple and effective technique with our book, Escaping the Pain Matrix, and its corresponding video, available at Scan the QR Code and take control of your pain and get your copy today!

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Dr. Daniel Woodruff

Daniel Woodruff, B.S.C., D.C., is a practicing healthcare provider of 24 years, lecturer, media personality, and creator of the Vibrate-A-Way technique and program. Dr. Woodruff initially earned his Bachelor's degree in Communications and Broadcast Journalism, but after several years he discovered his true calling: spreading God's love and light through healing. After a chiropractor changed his life, taking away headaches that had plagued him for years, he moved to Kansas City to attend Cleveland Chiropractic College. After graduation, he worked first as an associate, then as an owner of three chiropractic clinics. He also served on the board for the Northern Michigan Chapter of the Red Cross. Over time, he became dissatisfied with traditional standards of healthcare. "How it's always been done" has led us to problems ranging from too many physical therapy or chiropractic visits to increased surgeries and even the opioid addiction pandemic. So, he embarked on a journey of research and experimentation that led to the formulation of Neuromuscular Modulation, which is the method and basis of his technique. The results have been astonishing! He has been able to improve acute injuries and decades-long accommodative imbalances in just days! Countless lives have been changed, and he feels a great sense of urgency to propel The Pain-Free Initiative, giving the rest of the world hope for a greater quality of life.

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