Vibrate-A-Way Blog



February 02, 20242 min read

Make the decision today to no longer accept a life sentence of everyday pain. The Vibrate-A-Way System can empower you to take charge and create for yourself an enjoyable quality of life to do the things you like and delight in those you love.

Once your spark has been ignited to encourage this change in others’ lives, too, we invite you to help us light the same fire around the globe. How can you help?

SHARE your story with just THREE other people who need Pain Relief. If your life was made better quickly and easily by Vibrate-A-Way, think of all the people suffering needlessly. We have an entire world to reach! Your impact of those three will multiply exponentially because you will specifically tell them to do the same: for every life touched, three more have the same opportunity to make positive change for themselves as part of the Pain-Free Initiative. Be an ambassador: offer hope and share! Share also on social media or any of your favorite platforms. Also share our book!

FUND the Pain-Free Initiative.

Visit our website to learn about and donate to our outreach and missions. This summer, ambassadors from Vibrate-A-Way have the opportunity to visit Kenya and share the Vibrate-A-Way technique with a hospital and orphanage. We eagerly strive to bring the Pain-Free Initiative to low-income areas and 3rd world countries. Not only can you fund missions and outreach but also scholarships for those in special situations who wish to make their own impact by learning the technique for improving posture, increasing proper motion and resolving pain.

JOIN us!

Be a part of the Future of Pain Relief at the ground level! Make good differences while making a good income. Be a part of an organization that not only is changing the model of healthcare but of businesses, too, by truly supporting our team. More information about our certification program available on our website.

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Dr. Daniel Woodruff

Daniel Woodruff, B.S.C., D.C., is a practicing healthcare provider of 24 years, lecturer, media personality, and creator of the Vibrate-A-Way technique and program. Dr. Woodruff initially earned his Bachelor's degree in Communications and Broadcast Journalism, but after several years he discovered his true calling: spreading God's love and light through healing. After a chiropractor changed his life, taking away headaches that had plagued him for years, he moved to Kansas City to attend Cleveland Chiropractic College. After graduation, he worked first as an associate, then as an owner of three chiropractic clinics. He also served on the board for the Northern Michigan Chapter of the Red Cross. Over time, he became dissatisfied with traditional standards of healthcare. "How it's always been done" has led us to problems ranging from too many physical therapy or chiropractic visits to increased surgeries and even the opioid addiction pandemic. So, he embarked on a journey of research and experimentation that led to the formulation of Neuromuscular Modulation, which is the method and basis of his technique. The results have been astonishing! He has been able to improve acute injuries and decades-long accommodative imbalances in just days! Countless lives have been changed, and he feels a great sense of urgency to propel The Pain-Free Initiative, giving the rest of the world hope for a greater quality of life.

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