Vibrate-A-Way Blog

Knowing Where to Treat is More Important Than How you Treat!

Knowing Where to Treat is More Important Than How you Treat!

December 13, 20231 min read

One of the major problems I see in musculoskeletal care is that most people don’t know where the problem is. Well, that seems ridiculous: obviously, where it hurts is you treat, right? With acute trauma, that may be true; however, with typical chronic conditions, that couldn’t be further from the truth. With nagging, never-ending issues, the pain tends to be the result of the problem.


This is exactly the reason why so much of our “home care” is ineffective: we treat the pain but not the dysfunction. The Vibrate-A-Way system is designed to address the dysfunctions and the accommodations associated with the pain. As a result, the pain associated with the dysfunction will be eliminated.


With dysfunction of a joint or an area of the body, the brain will make accommodations to protect it. Just like a temporary spare tire, it’s only good for a brief period of time and distance. However, most of us do not recognize that we are using a temporary spare when it comes to accommodations and the musculoskeletal system. It is only when we feel pain that doesn’t go away that we realize that there must be a problem somewhere else causing pain.


The Vibrate-A-Way system is specially created so that any two people can perform it on one another without having any health background. In my book, The Pain Matrix, not only will I show you my techniques, but you will also learn how the outdated paradigm of the health industry has limited the effectiveness of care and what traps to avoid in finding a resolution to your pain. Find out how to join our Pain-Free Initiative! Visit our website below or schedule a consultation at Body By Ahdi in Clarkston!

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Dr. Daniel Woodruff

Daniel Woodruff, B.S.C., D.C., is a practicing healthcare provider of 24 years, lecturer, media personality, and creator of the Vibrate-A-Way technique and program. Dr. Woodruff initially earned his Bachelor's degree in Communications and Broadcast Journalism, but after several years he discovered his true calling: spreading God's love and light through healing. After a chiropractor changed his life, taking away headaches that had plagued him for years, he moved to Kansas City to attend Cleveland Chiropractic College. After graduation, he worked first as an associate, then as an owner of three chiropractic clinics. He also served on the board for the Northern Michigan Chapter of the Red Cross. Over time, he became dissatisfied with traditional standards of healthcare. "How it's always been done" has led us to problems ranging from too many physical therapy or chiropractic visits to increased surgeries and even the opioid addiction pandemic. So, he embarked on a journey of research and experimentation that led to the formulation of Neuromuscular Modulation, which is the method and basis of his technique. The results have been astonishing! He has been able to improve acute injuries and decades-long accommodative imbalances in just days! Countless lives have been changed, and he feels a great sense of urgency to propel The Pain-Free Initiative, giving the rest of the world hope for a greater quality of life.

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